aut inveniam viam aut faciam
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam (translation from latin : « I shall either
find a way, or make one»). It was the first line that wrote the famous first conqueror of the North Pole : Robert Peary (06.05.1856 -
20.02.1920). He arrives at the magnetic North Pole the 6th April 1909.
Recently, scientists discovered and proved that Robert Peary never get
to this point and he lied in his journal. From the 1st April 1909 of his
journey, he decided to travel with a smaller amount of people, none of
those could use a compass neither use a map, that way it was easier to
«fake» his positions.
I decided to work on this project using just materials that I could find
at home (old pictures, online webcams, books, journals, old polaroids,
ice etc.). I worked on this objects, that way it make us think about
arctic conditions. I also linked the pictures to the diary of Peary, the
descriptions of the ice, weather, walk conditions. Somehow, I made my
own trip «finding a way» and «making one».